Student Survey Results Guide UCDSB to Action Plan in Focus Area of Equity and Inclusion

May 9, 2023 – Equipped with the knowledge that the majority of students who participated in the JK-12 We All Belong Student Survey and the Intermediate Student Voice Survey have at least one caring adult at school (88 per cent), feel accepted by all or most staff (79 per cent), feel a sense of belonging at their school (63 per cent), but only some feel comfortable asking for mental health support (31 per cent), the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) is set to dive deeper in the results and take specific and intentional next steps.
From November 2022 to January 2023, the UCDSB collected data from elementary and secondary students around language spoken at home, race, cultural identity, gender identity to socio-economic status and experiences at school. All students within the UCDSB had an opportunity to participate in the We All Belong Survey and Grade 7 and Grade 8 students had the added opportunity to participate in the Intermediate Voice Survey at school.
“Gathering this data is essential to getting a better understanding of our student population. When we have this information, we can work towards creating programs and finding resources that better suit the needs and wants of our students,” explains Superintendent Marsha McNair, who is responsible for the Equity, Inclusion and Diversity portfolio. “We want all our students to feel safe at school and see themselves and their culture reflected in the activities and lessons. Research shows that when students feel safe, accepted and their identities are represented at school, they have better outcomes. And that’s what we want — students who are thriving at school and beyond our walls.”
Overall, the We All Belong Student Survey garnered a 30 per cent response rate, with that number increasing to 56 per cent at the secondary level. The Intermediate Student Voice survey had a 61 per cent response rate. These response rates are consistent with response rates in other school districts across the province.
Survey highlights for Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 include the following:
- 7 per cent of students identify as Indigenous;
- 14 per cent identify as a person with a disability;
- 59 per cent of students want to learn more about Real-World Learning;
- 48 per cent of students want to learn more about academic skill preparedness;
- 44 per cent are comfortable discussing a problem with all/most of their teachers or guidance counsellors; and
- 35 per cent of students were absent from school because they were too tired.
More information about the survey and the full downloadable reports can be found on the UCDSB website.