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Highlights from the September 28 Board of Trustees Meeting
Highlights from the September 28 Board of Trustees Meeting
Posted on 09/29/2022
Board meeting

Full details on presentations, reports, and discussions can be found in the agenda or reviewed in the recorded broadcast. Video segments are linked in the subhead for each item below.  

Sept. 29, 2022 – Trustees with the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) met on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022. Some of the items discussed in the public session are as follows. 


Director’s Work Plan Update Two  Superintendent of Student Wellness and Special Education Jennifer Perry presented to Trustees an update to the Director’s Work Plan as it relates to student mental health wellness.

As student mental health and well-being directly tie into the Director’s Work Plan and Board Improvement and Equity Plan, Perry said there are numerous ongoing initiatives to support the UCDSB’s goals and objectives. Developing programming and resources to help students learn to manage stress, offering Mindful Educators professional development for school staff, an updated mental health and well-being webpage to reflect supports, resources, and educational materials for students and parents/guardians, connecting mental health education to real-world learning, and the hiring of instrumental staff; a mental health lead, four social-emotional learning workers, five behaviourists, and a board-certified behaviour analyst are all ways to improve student mental health and wellness at the UCDSB. 


Executive Superintendent Eric Hardie reported to the Board an update regarding the implementation of the de-streamed Grade 9 math, French, English, science, and Geography courses and strategies to support school staff and students during the transition.

Early UCDSB data shows a positive trend for student achievement in de-streamed mathematics when compared to the now former streamed success rates. The provincial de-streamed courses have a direct coloration to the Director’s Work Plan and Board Improvement and Equity Plan for increasing student achievement and providing equitable access and outcomes for all students. Hardie noted that de-streamed courses will foster improved graduation rates and have a connection to post-secondary opportunities.  

Hardie explained that training for school staff on the goals and objectives as it relates to enhancing student learning outcomes has been ongoing board-wide throughout professional development days, inter-school learning and summer leadership sessions. 


Superintendents Bill Loshaw, Susan Rutters, and Deanna Perry reported to the Board an operational update regarding extra-curriculars, transportation and union negotiations. 


Extra-Curricular Sports Activities 

Superintendent Bill Loshaw reported to the Board that extra-curricular activities which include sports, band, and field trips have resumed to pre-COVID-19 levels. However, there are some challenges regarding staffing and transportation shortages. Loshaw noted that staff continue to work through the challenges and alternative options.  

Loshaw shared that the Upper Canada Cup for elementary cross country and soccer are upcoming. Students in Grades 7 and 8 are participating in soccer championships on October 19 at Beckwith Park and Grades 4 to 8 cross country takes place October 26 at Memorial Park in Brockville. 



Superintendent Susan Rutters provided an update regarding negotiations with the district’s six union partners. Rutters noted that collective bargaining takes place both provincially and locally. Rutters explained that the collective bargaining process continues with all six union partners. Rutters shared locally the UCDSB has met three times with CUPE and there are two more meetings scheduled. Negotiation dates have also been established by OSSTF, and once provincial negotiations take place, the remaining union partners will meet with UCDSB staff. 



Superintendent Deanna Perry reported to Trustees that the bus driver shortage has slightly improved but continues to lead to route cancellations. Student Transportation of Eastern Ontario (STEO) has noted that there are 27 routes currently without permanent drivers and those routes are being covered by spare drivers, office and mechanical staff, route doubling, and running routes late. Perry shared the number of cancelled routes across the district so far this school year is 44. While 26 new drivers have received their licenses and been brought on as permanent drivers, 29 others are currently in training, and 12 drivers are trained, but waiting for their licenses.  

Perry noted that 22 drivers have resigned since the start of the school year and these new drivers will replace those who have departed.  


Motion to close Oxford-On-Rideau Public School Amended  Trustees voted in favour of amending a previous motion that was carried on March 23, 2017, to close Oxford-on-Rideau Public School. The amendment, which was led by Board Chair John McAllister, notes that the population of Kemptville continues to grow and that the Board of Trustees now deems it appropriate to keep the school open. Therefore, Oxford-On-Rideau Public School is now removed from the closure list. 


For media inquiries, please contact:   

April Scott-Clarke   Manager of Communications   Upper Canada District School Board   [email protected] 

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