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April 10 Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights
April 10 Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights
Posted on 04/11/2024

Full details on presentations, reports, and discussions can be found in the agenda or reviewed in the recorded broadcast.

April 11, 2024 - Trustees with the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) met on Wednesday, Apr. 10, 2024. Key items discussed in the public session are as follows.

Annual Safe Schools Update to Board

Superintendent of Schools Marsha McNair, Principal of Safe Schools Don Lewis, and Research Officer Dr. Kathleen Moss provided the annual Safe Schools Update to the Board of Trustees.  The report was an overview of information related to suspension rates and current measures in place to support safe, welcoming, and inclusive schools. McNair reminded trustees that school-based discipline refers to the policies, procedures and practices used by schools to promote appropriate student behaviour, safety and inclusion and to support student success.

Coupled with a breakdown of UCDSB suspension data, Dr. Moss explained that relationship building, restorative practices, and student voice are integral to supporting students. As part of the UCDSB Board Improvement and Equity Plan, the board’s goal is to have 100 per cent of students report that school is safe and inclusive, and positively influences their mental health, wellness and sense of belonging.

Lewis outlined various system-wide initiatives and proactive measures that have been implemented to support students and promote safer schools. These include training for staff related to restorative practices, increasing student engagement through Real-World Learning opportunities, apprenticeships, and mental health and well-being strategies, as well as a focus on positive school culture and climate.

McNair outlined that the next steps toward reducing suspensions in our schools include further development of the “Alternatives to Suspension: Restorative Practices Guide”, the continuation of district-wide training on restorative practices, refining the suspension pilot survey and increasing participation from more schools, and continuing to work with the Suspension Review Committee.    

Student Transportation of Eastern Ontario’s (STEO) Board of Directors Report

Trustee David McDonald and Trustee Jamie Schoular, who are the UCDSB representatives on the Student Transportation of Eastern Ontario (STEO) Board, provided an update from the STEO Board of Directors.

Representatives confirmed that STEO’s timelines for reviewing and discussing information regarding changes to bell times would be October 2024. This means that for the upcoming school year (September 2024 - June 2025) there will be no change to bell times.

The potential implementation of stop arm cameras, driver recruitment campaigns, and the development of an upcoming strategic plan for STEO were also discussed.

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