Full details on presentations, reports, and discussions can be found in the agenda or reviewed in the recorded broadcast.
October 13, 2023 - Trustees with the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) met on Wednesday, Oct.11, 2023. Key items discussed in the public session are as follows.
Trustees Endorse UCDSB Math Action Plan
Executive Superintendent of Student Achievement and Innovation Eric Hardie and Principal of Teaching and Learning Amanda Nieman presented the UCDSB’s Math Plan to the Board of Trustees for endorsement, as per direction from the Ministry of Education.
Hardie and Nieman outlined the specific actions of the central system team in creating data-based assessment tools for educators to use in the classroom, as well as how the team is building capacity with staff through professional development. The next steps within the UCDSB are to continue the rollout of the updated math baseline assessment tool, hire additional learning partners, continue with professional development and expand the use of technology to support student practices.
Trustees endorsed the plan and it will be submitted by staff to the Ministry of Education by Nov. 15, 2023.
Director’s Workplan Update: Mental Health Initiatives in UCDSB Schools
As of Jan. 1, 2024, the Ministry of Education will require school boards to provide culturally responsive, evidence-informed student mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention services.
Superintendent of Student Wellness and Special Education Jennifer Perry and Mental Health Lead Lisa Livingston provided an overview to the Board of Trustees of the mental health literacy modules that will be implemented and how the Ministry mandate builds on current school board practices.
Developing workshops to enhance mental health and wellness for students across the district are action items in the Director’s Work Plan that align with the overall goal to have 100 per cent of students report that school is safe and inclusive and positively influences their mental health wellness and sense of belonging.
The UCDSB has heard from students that they want to learn about mental health. These mental health literacy modules are part of the health and physical education curriculum.