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Glengarry County School Information

Information on Historical Schools in Glengarry County

This table shows the current schools in the Glengarry area at the top and the past schools/schoolhouses below. The table contains information about the location/township, closing date, and where students went to after the school closed. Schools that include a historic photograph are underlined. Click the underlined school name to see the photograph. To see the complete collection of photos, please look through the gallery listed on the sidebar.


  • N-North
  • S-South
  • E-East
  • W-West
  • Twp.-Township
  • Bd.-Board
  • S.S. No.-School Section Number
  • KTSA-Kenyon Township School Area
  • LTSA-Lochiel Township School Area
  • CTSA-Charlottenburgh Township School Area
  • LTSA-Lancaster Township School Area






New Williamstown Public School across the road from the Charlan District High School

19754 County Rd. 17, ON K0C 2J0

Registered on lot 20 part of lot 49 Conc. 1 NSR

South Glengarry, Williamstown

School section joined in the formation of the CTSA in 1950 and the new school came under the County Bd.’s jurisdiction in 1969

S.S. No. 23 Greenfield School

Lot 24 Conc. 5 (N of SW corner)

North Glengarry


School section joined KTSA in 1965

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 24 Ireland School

SE corner lot 14 conc. 8

North Glengarry


School section joined the KTSA in 1958

Maxville Public School (after 1956)

Maxville High School (Maxville Senior Public School)

Grew out of a continuation school built on Mechanic St. W (N part lot 10 Conc. 17 I.L.)

1954: Addition to the E side, another addition on W side a few years later

North Glengarry, Maxville

Closed as high school in 1974


Joined Alexandria and Williamstown High Schools to form the Glengarry High School District in 1949, union lasted 4 years

Maxville formed its own district in 1953

Tagwi Secondary School

S.S. No. 20 Fisk’s Corners School

Originally may have been on S part lot 16 Conc. 9

School site registered on the SE corner S1/2 lot 15 Conc. 9

North Glengarry


School section joined the KTSA in 1956

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 21 Stewart’s Glen School

S side of the E1/2 lot 32 Conc. 9

North Glengarry


School section joined the KTSA in 1957

Maxville Public School (after 1956)

S.S. No. 18 The Pit School

Lot 34 Conc. 6 (N side of Highway 22)

North Glengarry


School section joined in the formation of the KTSA in 1949

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 19 Baltic Corners School

E of the NW corner lot 24 Conc. 6

North Glengarry


School section joined the KTSA in 1956

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 16 (U16 and Charlottenburgh) Apple Hill School

NW Corner lot 37 Conc. 1

After 1963, school was moved to lot 36 behind Zio United Church

North Glengarry, Apple Hill


School section joined the KTSA in 1964

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 17 Athol School

Lot 9 Conc. 20 I.L.

North Glengarry


School moved to Upper Canada Village

School section joined the formation of the KTSA in 1949

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 14

School closed in section before 1936

Section never joined the KTSA

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 15

NW Corner W1/2 lot 30 Conc. 4, rear of W1/2 of school site was also sold

North Glengarry


School section joined the KTSA in 1965

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 11 Maple Avenue School

N side lot 5 Conc. 13 I.L.

First school for this section was on lot 2

North Glengarry


School section joined the KTSA in 1949

Maxville Public School (after 1956)

S.S. No. 12 (U12 & Charlottenburgh) Connortown School

SE corner lot 13 Conc. 1

Metal school

North Glengarry

1942, open again in 1943 and closed in 1947

School section joined the KTSA in 1965

Maxville Public School (after 1956)

S.S. No. 13

E1/2 lot 7 Conc. 4 (mid E side)

North Glengarry

Before 1936, ceased to be reported

School section never joined the KTSA

Maxville Public School (after 1956)

S.S. No. 9

S.S. No. 9S was on lot 13 Conc. 3

S.S. No. 9N was on the W1/2 lot 18 Conc. 4

North Glengarry



School section joined the KTSA in 1962

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 10 Loch Garry

NE corner lot 27 Conc. 2

North Glengarry


School section joined the KTSA in 1965

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 7 (U7 & Roxborough) Dominionville School

At one time may have been on lot 8 Conc. 16 I.L. (S of road)

School relocated to SE corner lot 9 Conc. 16 I.L.

North Glengarry


School section joined in the formation of the KTSA in 1949

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 8 Third Concession School

E1/2 lot 13 Conc. 3 (N of SE corner)

North Glengarry

Around 1940 (1937-1942), not standing

School section joined the KTSA in 1965

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 5 Fassifern (and 20) Caledonia

Early school site: lot 9 Conc. 6 (near SE corner)

New school: lot 6 Conc. 6 (part of the SE1/2) around 1900

North Glengarry


School section joined the KTSA in 1965

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 6

W1/2 lot 19 Conc. 6 (near SE corner)

North Glengarry


School section joined the KTSA in 1965

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 3 (U3 & Caladonia) Dunvegan School

Lot 24 Conc. 9 (N of the SW corner)

North Glengarry


School section joined the KTSA in 1956

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 4 St. Elmo School

First school: lot 35 Conc. 8

School site later on SE corner lot 33 Conc. 8

New brick school built in 1858

North Glengarry

1966, not standing


School section joined in the formation of the KTSA in 1949

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 1 Big Beaver School

W1/2 lot 7, S part, Conc. 8

Relocated to lot 6 Conc. 8 (E of the SW corner)

North Glengarry


School section joined the KTSA in 1965

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 2 (U2 & Lochiel) Cotton Beaver

SW corner W1/2 lot 6 Conc. 9

North Glengarry


School section joined the KTSA in 1956

Maxville Public School

Williamstown High School


North Glengarry


Char-Lan District High School

S.S. No. 4 Bloomington

Bloomington Rd., Maxville

North Glengarry

Records date up to 1959

Maxville Public School

S.S. No. 16 Capron School

SE corner N1/2 lot 9 Conc. 9

North Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1953

Came under the S.D. &G. County Board’s jurisdiction in 1969

Laggan Public School

S.S. No. 14 McCormick School

Was once on the E1/2 lot 20 S part Conc. 3

Registered on the NE corner W1/2 lot 19 Conc. 2

North Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1965

Laggan Public School

S.S. No. 15 Lochinvar School

S part of W1/2 lot 20 Conc. 9

North Glengarry

Closed in 1942, opened again around 1949, closed permanently in 1969

School section joined the LTSA in 1954 and came under jurisdiction of the S.D. & G. County Board in 1969

Laggan Public School

S.S. No. 12 Glen Robertson School

3 known school sites

SW corner of the SW1/2 lot 7 Conc. 1

W of first school site on S part of lot 3 Conc. 2

North Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1956

Laggan Public School

S.S. No. 13

SW corner of lot 25 Conc. 8

Later a school was built on lot 26 Conc. 7 (S of the NE corner)

North Glengarry


School section joined in the formation of the LTSA in 1951

Laggan Public School

S.S. No. 11 Boyd School

NW corner E1/2 lot 20 Conc. 1



School section joined the LTSA in 1965

Laggan Public School

S.S. No. 10 (U10 Alexandria)

Old school was on lot 9 part of lot 37 Conc. 2 in Alexandria

New school on the NE corner of Kincardine and Dominion Streets in Alexandria

Also a high school in this section. Classes in the public school then a log building was built on lots 57 & 58 part of lot 37 Conc. 2

New brick school was built on the N side of St. Paul St.

New modern school was built on the W side of Main St. between Kincardine and McDougal Ave.

North Glengarry

New school closed in 1969


School section joined the LTSA in 1965,
County Bd. in 1969

School was renamed Glengarry District High School in 1954

Alexandria High School joined with Williamstown and Maxville in 1949 to form the Glengarry High School District. The union lasted 4 years and Alexandria was left as the only school in the Glengarry High School District

Students came from surrounding schools until 1969 and from Laggan Public School into Glengarry District High School

S.S. No. 8 Glen Sanfield School

NE corner of S1/2 lot 8 Conc. 4

North Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1952 and came under jurisdiction of the S.D. & G. County Bd. in 1969

Laggan Public School

S.S. No. 9 Eigg School

W1/2 lot 31 Conc. 3 (S side of Eigg Road)

North Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1965

Laggan Public School (after 1969)

S.S. No. 6 Lorne School

Registered on SE corner lot 20 Conc. 5

North Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1965 and came under the jurisdiction of the S.D. & G. County Bd. in 1969

Laggan Public School

S.S. No. 7 Brodie School

Originally school was on NE corner S1/2 lot 5 Conc. 5

A school later operated on the SW corner N1/2 lot 5 Conc. 5

North Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1965

Laggan Public School (after 1969)

S.S. No. 4 Dalkeith School

Registered E of the NW corner lot 8 Conc. 6

North Glengarry


School section joined in the formation of the LTSA in 1951 and came under jurisdiction of the S.D. & G. County Bd. in 1969

Laggan Public School

S.S. No. 5 Lochiel/Concrete School

Registered on the NE1/4 of the E1/2 lot 32 Conc. 4

North Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1956, dropped put 1957 and joined again in 1965 under County Bd. in 1969

Laggan Public School

S.S. No. 3W Pine Grove School

NE corner W1/2 lot 31 Conc. 6

North Glengarry


School section joined in the formation of the LTSA in 1951 and came under jurisdiction of the S.D. & G. County Bd. in 1969

Laggan Public School

S.S. No. 3E Spring Creek School

NE corner E1/2 lot 19 Conc. 6

North Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1965 and came under jurisdiction of the S.D. & G. County Bd. in 1969

Laggan Public School

S.S. No. 1 McCrimmon School

Registered on the SE corner W1/2 lot 31 Conc. 9

North Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1956 and came under jurisdiction of the S.D. & G. County Bd. in 1969

Laggan Public School

S.S. No. 2 Breadalbane School

Mid S side N1/2 lot 7 Conc. 8

North Glengarry


School section joined in the formation of the LTSA in 1951

Laggan Public School (after 1969)

S.J. McLeod Public School

5449 County Rd. 26, Bainsville, ON K0C 1E0

South Glengarry

June 2017

Williamstown Public School

S.S. No. U.S.S. No. 21 and A Cornwall Christie School

Registered on the NE corner lot 9 Conc. 9 I.L.

South Glengarry


School section joined in the formation of the CTSA in 1950

Williamstown Public School

S.S. No. 22 Muddy Bay School

Registered on mid part lot 1 Conc. 1 Front (N of Highway #2)

South Glengarry

1958, not standing

School section joined the CTSA in 1960

Williamstown Public School (after 1963)

S.S. No. 18 (and 19 Kenyon) Munro’s Mills School

Registered on the W part of lot 29 Conc. 8 NSR (N of the forced road)

South Glengarry


School section joined in the formation of the CTSA in 1950

Williamstown Public School

S.S. No. 20

Originally combined with S.S. No. 8 and was on lot 9 Conc. 4 I.L. (now on lot 8)

South Glengarry


School section came under jurisdiction of the CTSA in 1954

Williamstown Public School (after 1963)

S.S. No. 19 Glen Falloch School

Registered on mid part of lot 7 Conc. 6 I.L. (N of Glen Falloch Rd.)

South Glengarry


School section joined in the formation of the CTSA in 1950

Williamstown Public School (after 1963)

S.S. No. 16 Frog Hollow School

Registered on the SE corner lot 8 Conc. 9 NSR

School was moved to Apple Hill in 1958 (lot 37 Conc. 1 Kenyon Twp.), used as Glengarry Legion Hall No. 312

South Glengarry

1952, land sold and was combined with R.C. Separate School No. 4 May 17 1968

Maxville Public School (after 1956)


S.S. No. 17 Echo Vale School

Registered on the NE corner lot 19 Conc. 8 NSR

South Glengarry


School section joined in the formation of the CTSA in 1965

Williamstown Public School (after 1963)

S.S. No. 14 Maple Ridge School

Registered on the mid part lot 11 (or A) Conc. 4 NSR

Maple Rd.

South Glengarry



School section joined in the formation of the CTSA in 1950

Williamstown Public School

S.S. No. 15 St. Raphael’s

Was once on lot 7 Conc. 7, later on lot 6 Conc. 7 (part of E1/2)

South Glengarry


School section joined in the formation of the CTSA in 1950

Williamstown Public School (after 1963)

S.S. No. 12 Martintown

2 room brick school was on lot 6 part of lot 25 Conc. 1 NSR

South Glengarry, Martintown

September 2009

School section joined in the formation of the CTSA in 1950 and new school came under the County Bd’s jurisdiction in 1969

Williamstown Public School

S.J. McLeod Public School (most)

S.S. No. 13 Maple Leaf School

Registered on the NW corner W1/2 lot 6 Conc. 2 NSR

South Glengarry



School section joined in the formation of the CTSA in 1950

Williamstown Public School

S.S. No. 11 McGillivray Bridge School

School on S part of W1/2 lot 39 Conc. 1 NSR

South Glengarry


School section joined in the formation of the CTSA in 1950

Williamstown Public School

S.S. No. 9 Finney’ Bridge School

Registered on the NE corner of the W1/2 lot B Conc. 1 SSR

South Glengarry

1961, not standing

School section joined the CTSA in 1965

Williamstown Public School (after 1963)

S.S. No. 7 Grant School

No registration, but school site was on S part W1/2 of lot 17 Conc. 2 SSR

School was on the S side of the road by the river but was moved to the N side of the road.

South Glengarry


School section joined the CTSA in 1950

Williamstown Public School


S.S. No. 8 (&20)

Registered on the N part lot 9 Conc. 4 I.L.

School structure was on lot 8 just N of the river

South Glengarry


School section joined the CTSA in 1950

Williamstown Public School (after 1963)

S.S. No. 5 Glen Donald/Cooper School

Registered on the mid part of lot 5 Conc. 3 I.L. (N of road)

South Glengarry


School section joined the CTSA in 1950

Williamstown Public School (after 1963)

S.S. No. 6 Glen School

Registered on the mid part of W1/2 lot 8 Conc. 2 SSR (N of Glen Road)

South Glengarry


School section joined the CTSA in 1950

Williamstown Public School (after 1963)

S.S. No. 3 Summerstown Station School

Registered on SW corner of part lying N of the road E1/2 lot 12 Conc. 2 Front

Newer school built W of this site on lot 14


South Glengarry


School section joined the CTSA in 1950

Williamstown Public School

S.S. No. 4 Tyotown School

Registered on the S part of lot 7 Conc. 2 I.L. (N of road)

South Glengarry, Tyotown


School section joined the CTSA in 1950

Williamstown Public School (after 1963)

S.S. No. 1 Summerstown Front School

Registered on the SW corner lot 13 Conc. 1 Front

South Glengarry

June 28 1973


School section joined the CTSA in 1952

School came under the jurisdiction of the S.D. & G. County Bd. of Ed. in 1969

Williamstown Public School

S.S. No. 2 Glen Walter P.S.

Registered on S part of lot 3 B.F.

Old school frame was on SE corner of past school property

South Glengarry

New school closed in 1984

School section joined the CTSA in 1950 and the S.D. & G. County Bd. of Ed. in 1969

Williamstown Public School

Former S.S. No. 13-Charlottenburgh


South Glengarry


Williamstown Public School (after 1963)

Former S.S. No. 2-Charlottenburgh


South Glengarry


Williamstown Public School


S.S. No. 1-Charlottenburgh


South Glengarry


Williamstown Public School


S.S. No. 17-Charlottenburgh


South Glengarry


Williamstown Public School


S.S. No. 18-Charlottenburgh


South Glengarry


Williamstown Public School (after 1963)

S.S. No. 21 and a school in Charlottenburgh


South Glengarry


Williamstown Public School


S.S. No. 22-Charlottenburgh


South Glengarry


Williamstown Public School (after 1963)

S.S. No. 9-Charlottenburgh


South Glengarry


Williamstown Public School

S.S. No. 15 Condie School

Registered on the S part of lot 18 Conc. 4

School replaced by the Lancaster Township Area Public School on SW corner lot 23 Conc. 4

South Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1949 and came under the S.D. & G. County Bd. of Ed. in 1969

S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

S.S. No. 17 Bainsville School

Registered on the E1/2 lot 17 Conc. 1 (S of the railway)

South Glengarry, Bainsville


School section was one of the 1st 3 to form the LTSA in 1943

S.J. McLeod Public School

S.S. No. 16 McDonald/4th Concession School

Registered on the N part lot 13 Conc. 4

South Glengarry

1965-not standing


School section joined the LTSA in 1965

S.J. McLeod Public School

S.S. No. 13 Glen Norman School

Registered on lot 23 Conc. 8 (S of the NW corner)

South Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1956

S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

S.S. No. 14

Registered on part of lot 35 (SE corner) and part of lot 34 (SW corner)

Conc. 9

School reported to have been on lot 38 Conc. 8

South Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1965

S.J. McLeod Public School

S.S. No. 11

Another common/public school was known to open on the SE corner lot 31 Conc. 8

South Glengarry

1939-not standing

School section joined the LTSA in 1952

S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

S.S. No. 12 Dalhousie Mills/Brazeau School

Registered on lot 9 Conc. 9 (W of the SE corner)

South Glengarry, Dalhousie


School section joined the LTSA in 1952

S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

S.S. No. 10 Glen Nevis/Red School

Registered on lot 17 Conc. 7 (N of the SE corner)

South Glengarry

Closed temporarily due to small enrolment in 1935 and permanently in 1936

School section joined the LTSA in 1949

S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

S.S. No. 8 North Lancaster School

Registered on lot 23 Conc. 6 (N of the SW corner)

South Glengarry, North Lancaster


School section joined the LTSA in 1955

S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

S.S. No. 9 Pine Hill School

Registered on the N part of lot 33 Conc. 5

South Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1959

S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

S.S. No. 6 Picnic Grove School

Originally on lot 38 Conc. 4, became a union school with Charlottenburgh between 1850-1878

School then located south of NW corner lot 31 Conc. 3

South Glengarry


School section was one of the 1st 3 to form the LTSA in 1943

S.J. McLeod Public School

S.S. No. 7 Bridge End School

Original school reported to have been on the N side lot 12 Conc. 5

Registered on S part of lot 12 Conc. 6 (across the road)

South Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1951

S.J. McLeod Public School

S.S. No. 3 (U3 Lancaster)

1st school on W side lot 38 Conc. 1

Present school on lot 38 Conc. 1, north of old school

South Glengarry

School taken over by S.D. & G. County Bd. of Ed. In 1969

S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

Lancaster Public School


South Glengarry


S.J. McLeod Public School

Lancaster S.S. #3 Public School


South Glengarry


S.J. McLeod Public School

S.S. No. 9 Lancaster


South Glengarry


S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

S.S. No. 12 Lancaster


South Glengarry


S.J. McLeod Public School

S.S. No. 13 Lancaster


South Glengarry


S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

S.S. No. 14 Lancaster


South Glengarry


S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

S.S. No. 15 Lancaster


South Glengarry


S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

S.S. No. 16 Lancaster


South Glengarry


S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)


S.S. No. 17 Lancaster


South Glengarry


S.J. McLeod Public School

S.S. No. 5 Edgar School

Registered on W1/2 lot 24 Conc. 3 (just S of forced road)

South Glengarry


School section joined the LTSA in 1949

S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

S.S. No. 4 Curry Hill School

Registered on W1/2 lot 9 Conc. 2

South Glengarry, Curry Hill


School section never joined LTSA

McLeod Public School (after 1962)

S.S. No. 1 McCuaig/Gunn School

Registered on SW part of lot 9 Conc. 1 (just S of Highway #401)

South Glengarry


School section joined LTSA in 1965

S.J. McLeod Public School

S.S. No. 2 Kerr School

Wesley school reported to be on lot 24 Conc. 1

Kerr school registered on the S part W1/2 lot 26 Conc. 1

South Glengarry

1939, reopened in 1944 and closed again in 1945

School section was one of the 1st 3 sections to form the LTSA in 1943

S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

P.S.S. No. 6



Roxmore Public School

North Stormont Public School

Maxville Public School

Waverly School

Old McBean Mansion

Overlooking Lake St. Lawrence, southwest of Lancaster exit on the 401


S.J. McLeod Public School (after 1962)

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