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PCPS Hot Chocolate Pop-Up Shops
PCPS Hot Chocolate Pop up Shops
Posted on 12/22/2022
PCPS Hot Chocolate Pop-Up Shops December 22, 2022 (Vankleek Hill, ON) - The month of December always feels a little extra magical but this year, in the hallways of Pleasant Corners Public School, it was quite literally overflowing with Christmas cheer.

Over the course of the month of December, Grade 5 and 6 students in Mrs. Anderson’s class took part in a real-world learning experience and have become young business entrepreneurs.

This whole learning experience is a way to reinforce and learn real-world math skills that they will take with them and apply in their everyday lives.

From brainstorming, developing and branding their very own business profiles, to setting up “pop-up” hot chocolate businesses and selling their chocolatey good confections.

Students learned how to create a business, develop a business plan including their own menu with specialty drinks, along with calculating costs and profits. They advertised and marketed their businesses through digital, announced, and printed media forms to inform the school community of when and where their shops would be located and what specialty items they could look forward to.
PCPS Hot Chocolate
They set up their shops during Wellness Breaks and additional times were given for requested catered affairs. Students then collected, counted and verified their sales by looking at their total income and total costs to confirm their final profits.

In addition to all of this hard work, students were to decide on a charity to donate their earnings to. The classrooms collectively decided that this year’s money raised would be donated to CHEO.

This Friday, December 23, students will donate a cheque to support the incredible work CHEO does. At this moment, their charity donations are boarding on over $700.00 in hot chocolate sales. It is “the most wonderful time of the year,” … at least for hot chocolate sales, that is!
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