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May 8 Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights
May 8 Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights
Posted on 05/10/2024
UCDSB Board Meeting

Full details on presentations, reports, and discussions can be found in the agenda or reviewed in the recorded broadcast. 

May 10, 2024 - Trustees with the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) met on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. Key items discussed in the public session are as follows. 

Director’s Work Plan Update – Student Culture: School Climate Surveys 

Results from the Spring UCDSB Amplify Survey and outcomes from the in-person student voice sessions were presented by Executive Superintendent of Student Achievement and Innovation   Eric Hardie and Superintendent of Schools Marsha McNair. 

The Amplify Survey is a twice-annual school climate survey and is used to support data driven, student-assisted equity and well-being plans in all schools. Students in Grades 4-12 were invited to participate in a short (eight question) survey administered in-class. Under the Safe Schools initiative, every public school board in Ontario is required to collect anonymous school climate data from students, parents/guardians, and staff. 

Hardie noted a 59.3% response rate for completing the survey in Grades 4-12, and that: 

·        89% of students feel safe at school. 

·        83% of students feel they belong at school. 

·        76% of students see themselves represented in the learning material. 

·        72% of students are interested in topics discussed in class. 

·        77% of students are aware of mental health supports and services. 

·        79% of students believe the learning is preparing them for the next step in their
    learning journey.

Two elementary student voice sessions and one secondary session were held as part of the process. Students engaged in a wide variety of strategies to increase mental health, wellness, and equity in their schools, based on the data that was gathered. Many schools saw their data move in a positive direction.  

Hardie explained that schools will continue to develop and plan to address mental health and wellness goals, and will share these goals with students, staff and parents/guardians. The survey will launch again in October 2024 and be followed by student voice sessions in November 2024.  

2024-25 Core Education Funding Highlights
Highlights of the Core Education Funding announcement from April 26, 2024, was presented by Executive Superintendent of Business Services Jeremy Hobbs.  

Hobbs explained the changes to the education funding structure in Ontario, but noted it mirrors the major components of the old model from 2023-24. Preliminary analysis suggests that 2024-25 projected allocations from Core Ed will largely be stable compared to the year before, with a funding projection of $415.8M, a 2.5% increase over projected allocation for 2023-24 Revised Estimates. 

Trustees will receive the 2024-25 draft budget for consideration at the June 5, 2024 meeting.
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