Full details on presentations, reports, and discussions can be found in the agenda or reviewed in the recorded broadcast. Video segments are linked in the subhead for each item below.
December 15, 2022 – Trustees with the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) met on Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022. Some of the items discussed in the public session are as follows.
Director of Education Ron Ferguson along with all superintendents presented an update to Trustees on the 2022-2023 Director’s Work Plan.
The Graduation Rate/Student Success goal remains in progress with a recently completed milestone. Data from last school year has been analyzed for patterns and provided to schools, Grade 9 teachers who are teaching de-streamed courses have been offered Introduction to Autism professional development, and the establishment of a Leading and Learning Working Group to support the formalization of the Student Success Toolbox.
Student Culture is another goal. Part of this, as outlined to the Board, is the We All Belong Survey and Intermediate Student Voice Survey. These surveys are collecting responses until Dec.23. Once they close, data will be analyzed and district staff will support schools in creating action plans to further support student wellness. Additionally, the development of a Student Trustee Equity and Inclusion Committee.
The goal of engaging students, staff, and community partners in Real-World Learning and enhanced pathways is ongoing. Professional development has been provided to teachers and has provided support for project expansions.
Staff Culture is the fourth goal, which aims to ensure that staff feel supported by the district in their work and have the resources they need to be successful. To date, surveys have been sent to staff to gauge the pulse. These include staff feeling appreciated at work, receiving clear and timely communication from senior leadership, and more departmental connection opportunities.
Director Ferguson also shared with Trustees that a fifth goal, reading, has now been added to the Director’s Work Plan. The initiatives include expanding the reading program, hiring additional special education teachers to support students, purchasing of resources for schools that align with the Science of Reading, proving staff with professional development in instructional practices built on the Science of Reading, and enhancing the collaboration between schools, the Teaching and Learning Department and Special Education Department to best meet the needs of students.
For media inquiries, please contact:
April Scott-Clarke
Manager of Communications
Upper Canada District School Board
[email protected]