Community Use of Schools
Program Definition:
Community Use of Schools is an initiative that supports access to school space outside of school hours for community groups. The complete policy and procedure can be accessed below.
Criteria for Qualifying for Reduced Rates:
It is the current practice of the Upper Canada District School Board to provide affordable access to not-for-profit groups subject to availability. This affordable access has been possible due to the Community Use of Schools Grant provided annually by the Ministry of Education.
The complete policy and procedure can be accessed by following the link below.
The policy and procedure will provide detailed information on the following items;
UCDSB Community Use of Schools Policy and Procedure
Click here to view the Policy and Procedure for Community Use (Policy 435 and Procedure 435.1)
How to access the on-line permit booking system
Interested groups should log into the on-line booking system to determine if the school facility is available. No community use shall prejudice the regular or extracurricular program of the school, either during or outside of school hours.
Community use permits are now generated on line. We are requesting all public organizations to create an account and input their request through the on-line booking system. The link below will redirect you to the on-line booking system where you can register your account as a new user. Once your account is active you will need to log in and complete a permit request.
Register at: