Kindness, Compassion, Motivation are at the Forefront for UCDSB Students during Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week

November 20-26 is Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week and students from across the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) are engaging in various anti-bullying and prevention activities to reinforce that kindness matters.
At Perth and District Collegiate Institute (PDCI), kindness, compassion, and motivation were at the forefront of a character and anti-bullying assembly for Grade 9 to 12 students. Students heard from five speakers who graduated from PDCI:
- Milana McNamee, who works as Queen's University’s Manager of Athlete Education, Training and Leadership Development;
- Elijah Woods, who is a Juno-nominated recording artist;
- Pavit Thind, a director of sales and operations for,
- Rowan Sentesy, a creative director and co-owner of a holistic workout business; and
- James Fielding, an elementary teacher.
Speakers joined students virtually and shared
messages of what motivation and kindness look like in their worlds, and what it means to them. Plus, how they persevered through school, challenges, and into their respective careers.
Grade 12 student Corey Nagle, who has a passion for music, says it was interesting to hear from past students, especially Woods. "It was interesting seeing someone that came from the school who made it in the music industry. Plus, having their perspective and listening to the motivational speeches they were giving was insightful.”
At Montague Public School, students and staff
reflected on how walking away, ignoring, talking it out, and seeking help (WITS) helps to support problem-solving and resolving conflict in a positive manner.
Sweet’s Corners Elementary School welcomed
visitors from the OPP, RNJ Youth Services and Girls Inc. for presentations about anti-bullying. Students learned about the importance of using kind words and strategies to use if they are encountering bullying and unkind actions
South Edwardsburg Public School students
participated in an assembly and heard the story Stick and Stone, which is about overcoming adversity, how unkind words can hurt, and how friendship and mutual support are important. The assembly concluded with a tug of war to show the imbalance and the strength of a school family when everyone helps each other. In the Junior classes, topics such as cyberbullying, teasing versus bullying, and the importance of seeking help when needed were all discussed.
Front of Yonge Elementary School hosted their
monthly happiness assembly. Along with a Happiness Escape Room where students worked together to unlock the secret to happiness.
Centennial '67 Public School students created
posters and a video on how walking away, ignoring, talking it out, and seeking help (WITS) helps to support problem-solving and resolving conflict in a positive manner.
Even though Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week is once a year, UCDSB schools incorporate prevention and intervention year-round with a focus on kindness.