Recognize a UCDSB Staff Member or Volunteer
The Upper Canada District School Board is proud to have exceptional employees, students and volunteers. To recognize those who go above and beyond in their support of our schools and students, we have a variety of awards that distributed throughout the year.
Service Excellence Award
Do you know an employee who provides excellent service to students, parents, community partners and other staff? You can nominate them for a Service Excellence Award. Learn more about this award program.
The Red Apple Award
The Red Apple Award is given by the Director of Education Ron Ferguson to individuals that stand out for their deeply-rooted dedication to our school board’s top priority – our students. Their day-to-day impact on those around them branches far & wide, planting seeds of inspiration for us all. Learn more about this award program.
Trustee Innovation Award
Many employees come up with unique and innovative ideas that result in a better process, specialized learning opportunities, improved classrooms and workspaces, and more! The Trustee Innovation Award recognizes excellence and innovation and is given to those who think outside the box and find new ways to better serve our system and our students. Learn more about this award program.
Student Trustees' Dynamic Leadership Award
The UCDSB Student Trustees’ Dynamic Leader Award recognizes students who demonstrate exemplary leadership practices through leadership within their school, community service, and by continuously demonstrating the ten ‘Character Always’ traits. This award recognizes the student leaders in our schools who strive to change the world around them by starting with their community all while inspiring others around them to do the same. |