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UCDSB Schools Participate in Walk for Wenjack Events, Raising Funds and Promoting Reconciliation
UCDSB Schools Participate in Walk for Wenjack Events, Raising Funds and Promoting Reconciliation
Posted on 10/23/2023
Walk for Wenjack

Monday, October 23 (Brockville, ON) – Students from schools across the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) are showing their commitment to reconciliation by participating in Walk for Wenjack events, in support of the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund. These events aim to raise awareness and funds while honouring the memory of Chanie Wenjack, a 12-year-old Anishinaabe boy who lost his life while attempting to walk 600 kilometers back to his family from a residential school in 1966.

Lombardy Public School initiated its inaugural Walk for Wenjack on Oct. 18, with plans to continue the event annually. As a group, students walked over 150 kilometers to the moving tunes of Gord Downie's "The Secret Path" and raised over $200. Each class crafted ribbon banners that symbolized their perspectives on reconciliation and students created powerful posters to express their support for the walk.

On Oct. 18 and 19, Grade 8 students at Perth and District Collegiate Institute also participated in an ambitious project to collectively walk the 600 kilometers to symbolize Chanie’s journey. The group walked just shy of their goal – 539 kilometers – and raised $283 for the fund.

South Crosby Public School celebrated their third annual school-wide Walk for Wenjack on Oct. 20, joining the growing movement to support reconciliation and remember Chanie Wenjack's story.

Grade 5 and 6 students from Naismith Memorial Public School are set to complete their walk today, Oct. 23, with a goal to collectively walk 150 kilometers, representing the 150,000-plus Indigenous children who were separated from their families.

Drummond Central School's Grade 5 and 6 students participated in their unique way by creating a bulletin board that honours Chanie Wenjack's journey. They incorporated information from student research and engaged in a comprehensive unit that involved watching the movie "The Secret Path."

"We’re proud to support these initiatives that promote reconciliation, educate students about Chanie Wenjack's tragic story, and contribute to the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund," says Kelty Grant, UCDSB Principal of Indigenous Education.


For media inquiries, please contact:

April Scott-Clarke
Manager of Communications
Upper Canada District School Board
[email protected]

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