Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
What are they?
Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) let students focus on a career path that matches their skills and interests while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Students receive the SHSM seal on their diploma when they:
- complete a specific bundle of eight to 10 courses in the student's selected field;
- earn valuable industry certifications including first aid and CPR qualifications; and
- gain important skills on the job through cooperative education placements.

Who are they for?
Grade 11 and 12 students who are:
- heading for apprenticeship training, college, university or the workplace; and
- wanting to identify, explore and refine their career goals and make informed choices about their next steps after secondary school.
How can they help?
Students have the opportunity to:
- gain important skills on the job with actual employers, at skills training centres and at school; and
- earn valuable industry certifications, including first aid and CPR qualifications.
This information was provided by the Government of Ontario. For more information and current updates, please visit the Ontario Ministry of Education Specialist High Skills Major Page.
SHSM Programs
Arts & Culture
Health & Wellness
Horticulture & Landscape
Hospitality & Tourism
Information & Comm Tech
Justice, Community Safety & Emergency Services
UCDSB Schools Offerings SHSM Programming
Almonte DHS
- Construction SHSM
- Manufacturing SHSM
- Sports SHSM
Athens DHS
- Environment SHSM
- Justice, Community Safety & Emergency Services SHSM
Brockville CI
- Arts & Culture SHSM
- Health & Wellness SHSM
- Information & Communications Tech SHSM
Carleton Place HS
- Arts & Culture SHSM
- Construction SHSM
- Health & Wellness SHSM
- Sports SHSM
Char-Lan DHS
- Agriculture SHSM
- Health & Wellness SHSM
Cornwall Collegiate VS
- Arts & Culture SHSM
- Health & Wellness SHSM
- Hospitality & Tourism SHSM
Gananoque ISS
- Agriculture SHSM
- Sports SHSM
- Hospitality & Tourism SHSM
Glengarry DHS
- Agriculture SHSM
- Health & Wellness SHSM
- Transportation SHSM
North Dundas DHS
- Agriculture SHSM
- Health & Wellness SHSM
North Grenville DHS
- Arts & Culture SHSM
- Health & Wellness SHSM
- Information & Communications Technology SHSM
- Transportation SHSM
Perth DCI
- Arts & Culture SHSM
- Business SHSM
- Horticulture & Landscaping SHSM
- Information & Communications Technology SHSM
- Non-Profit SHSM
- Sports SHSM
- Transportation SHSM
Rideau DHS
- Arts & Culture SHSM
- Construction SHSM
- Environment SHSM
- Health & Wellness SHSM
Rockland DHS
- Agriculture SHSM
- Health & Wellness SHSM
Russell HS
- Information & Communications Technology SHSM
- Transportation SHSM
Seaway DHS
- Agriculture SHSM
- Health & Wellness SHSM
- Construction SHSM
- Transportation SHSM
Smiths Falls DCI
- Agriculture SHSM
- Arts & Culture SHSM
- Hospitality & Tourism SHSM
- Justice, Community Safety & Emergency Services SHSM
- Sports SHSM
South Grenville DHS
- Construction SHSM
- Hospitality & Tourism SHSM
- Transportation SHSM
St. Lawrence SS
- Health & Wellness SHSM
- Hospitality & Tourism SHSM
Tagwi SS
- Agriculture SHSM
- Arts & Culture SHSM
- Construction SHSM
- Health & Wellness SHSM
Thousand Islands SS
- Arts & Culture SHSM
- Health & Wellness SHSM
- Hospitality & Tourism SHSM
- Manufacturing SHSM
Vankleek Hill CI
- Agriculture SHSM
- Health & Wellness SHSM