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Equity and Inclusion

Equity and InclusionWe all belong logo

The Upper Canada District School Board is committed to preparing all of our students for a successful life. We are actively working towards reducing achievement gaps and improving learning outcomes for all students, regardless class, gender, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, and other historical forms of marginalization.

Some specific actions we are taking to accomplish our goal are as follows:

  • Collecting Demographic Data from Student with the UCDSB We All Belong Survey
  • Establishing UCDSB Student Trustee Equity and Inclusion Sub-Committee
  • Engaging Students and Collecting Climate Data with Classroom Presentations

Additional actions and strategies that are being taken across our school district to ensure we are consistently mindful of and eliminating the systematic racism that still exists in our society, alongside many other forms of discrimination, are outlined in our Board Improvement and Equity Plan and within our Director’s Work Plan.

We are committed to an equitable education system that upholds and reflects the principles of fair and inclusive education, which should permeate all policies, programs, practices, and operations. We will need to have difficult conversations, at home, at work, and in our classes to address the disparities in our communities.

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