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CREW- Strategic Plan

CREW Strategic Plan


CREW is a long-term strategic plan that will guide the Board to improve the education and well-being of students and staff by implementing projects in four areas, which are as follows: 

Collaboration: To be engaged and to engage others in shared work that benefits our students and schools. 

Resources: Management of resources to maximize opportunities for our students.

Educational Programs: Innovative and responsive programs that address the learning needs of all students. 

Wellness: Caring and supportive environments that foster individual wellness and a sense of belonging for students and staff.

This plan is the foundation on which every system leader can build the capacity in his or her school or department to meet the needs of students, staff, community, and other stakeholders.

We are using it to set achievable goals and track our progress. At the end of the day we will not only be graduating students better able to think, read, write and relate to others, but better all-around citizens filled with character.

Download the CREW Strategic Plan Summary. 

The UCDSB Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission
We Prepare All Students for a Successful Life

Our Vision
Creating Futures, Leading and Learning for All

Our Values
Caring, Courage, Empathy, Fairness, Generosity, Honesty, Perseverance, Resilience, Respect, and Responsibility

Our Credo
Our credo reflects the guiding principles of our Board.

  • We believe our first responsibility is to our students.
  • We are responsible to our employees.
  • We are responsible to the communities that we serve.
  • We will provide environmental awareness among our staff, students and within the community
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