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Freedom of Information Requests

Freedom of Information Requests


The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) contains not only privacy provisions but access as well. This means that individuals have a right to request access to general records and their own personal information held by the Upper Canada District School Board in accordance with MFIPPA and the Education Act. Exemptions to the right of access are limited and specific and are defined in MFIPPA.

How to access your own personal information
Students/parents/guardians can request access to personal information held by the Board by contacting the teacher or principal of the school they or their child attends. Please be aware that while an individual has access to their own personal information and general records, they do not have a right to access personal information about another individual. Board staff must comply with MFIPPA and the Education Act and will provide you with the information you request as long as you are legally entitled to receive it.

Former students can access their records at the school they last attended. If the request is voluminous or requires an extensive amount of time to prepare, fees may apply.  Individuals requesting their own personal information must also provide valid identification to the school prior to receipt of a record.  

How to access general information
You may make a formal request for information by completing an Access or Correction Request form. Completed forms must include a $5.00 application fee paid by cash or cheque payable to the Upper Canada District School Board. Your request should provide as much detail as possible about the information you are requesting.

Many records of public institutions are available to you without going through the formal Freedom of Information (FOI) process. For UCDSB records, contact the Information and Records Management Office to determine whether you need to make a formal request.

All requests are filled within 30 days unless we notify you of the reason and need for an extension.

If you are making a request to access general information, the following fees apply:

  • $5.00 application fee to accompany the request form;
  • Search time – $7.50 per 1/4 hour;
  • Record preparation – $7.50 per 1/4 hour;
  • Photocopying/printing – $0.20 per page;
  • Computer Programming – $15.00 per 1/4 hour;
  • Courier/postal fees (if applicable) 

If you are making a request to access personal information, the following fees may apply:

  • $5.00 application fee to accompany the request form;
  • Photocopying/printing – $0.20 per page;
  • Courier/postal fees (if applicable)

When the fee will be more than $25, a statement from the Board with the total fee estimate will be provided. In cases where the estimate is over $100, a 50% deposit is required before the records will be prepared. All fees are payable before the requested records will be provided. MFIPPA does permit the waiver of payment for all or part of the fee in certain circumstances.

Additional information about FOI requests is available at the Information and Privacy Commissioner of

Freedom of Information Requests Guidelines

Freedom of Information Access or Correction Request Form

Contact Information
Information & Records Management Office
225 Central Avenue, West, Brockville, ON K6V 5X1
Phone: 1-800-267-7131 or locally 613-342-0371 Ext. 1396
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